Saturday, May 9, 2020

I'll get you, moths, and your little eggs, too!

I've had moths in my apartment for a long time now, and I'm just finally starting a treatment plan. I first did some online research to figure out how to get rid of them since killing them individually with a broom wasn't working that well. I decided to follow the method listed by Apartment Therapy. I found some Pantry Moth traps at Walmart (unexpectedly in the garden section), and set them up in my kitchen where I had seen the largest amount of pantry moths. Next, I went to work taking everything off my "pantry" shelves, scrubbing the shelves with soap and water and then following up with bleach. I threw away all of the boxes sitting on the shelves, even the unopened ones. I also bought some OXO containers from Target to store all my food stuff in, so I don't have to rely on bags and boxes that moths can eat through.

Next I cleaned the top of my fridge with soap and water and bleach, and I found the mother-load.

I had originally bought these Hawaiian roles back in December when my Dad came to visit me for Christmas. And then I forgot about them. The rolls got pushed to the back of the top of my fridge by cereal boxes and reusable bags. I guess the moral of the story is I need to organize my pantry area so that I can see all my food stuff and use it all in a timely manner before it develops nasty stuff, like mold or moths. At this current moment, there are still a few months hanging out on my ceiling, but I hope they'll go away soon since I've gotten rid of their food supply.